Side Panel Configuration

Add endpointServices, sidePanels and useDCXWirePanel configurations, which should look something like this:

    - serviceName: "dcx-login.service"

  - id: "dcx-assets"
    isAngular: true
    name: "DC-X Assets" #translate
    cssClass: "dcx dcx-assets"
    directive: "dcx-search-sidepanel"
    mimeTypes: ["x-ece/story", "x-ece/new-content; type=story", "x-ece/event", "x-ece/gallery"]
    homeScreen: false
    active: true
    requires:  ["dc-x"]
    order: 302
      dcxChannels: ['ch020dcxsystempoolapict', 'ch060dcxsystempoolvideo', 'ch050dcxsystempoolnative']

  - id: 'dcx-wires'
    name: 'DC-X Wires' #translate
    directive: 'dcx-search-sidepanel'
    homeScreen: true
    order: 301
      dcxChannels: ['channel_pool_story']
      updateInterval: 30
useDCXWirePanel: true

The DC-X Wire panel configuration is optional. If you do not intend to make use of DC-X wires from CUE, then you can omit the dcx-wires side panel configuration and the useDCXWirePanel property (or set useDCXWirePanel to false).

There is an example configuration file called DCX.yml included in the CUE distribution that you can copy and uncomment.

Make sure that the dcxChannels property is correctly set. This property must contain a list of the DC-X channels that CUE should have access to. You must use the channel IDs to specify the channels, not their names.

You can use the updateInterval property to specify how frequently the DC-X Wire panel is to be updated. The interval is specified in seconds.