Content Type Selection for Binaries

When a binary file is dropped in CUE, a content item is automatically created to contain it. In order to be able to do this, CUE searches for a content type that is configured to handle the binary file's MIME type. If some MIME types can be handled by more than one content type, then by default CUE uses the first one it finds. You can, however configure CUE to allow the user to choose the content-type.

To configure this kind of content type selection:

  1. If necessary, switch user to root.

    $ sudo su
  2. Open /etc/escenic/cue-web/config.yml for editing. For example

    # nano /etc/escenic/cue-web/config.yml
  3. Add the following settings:

      enabled: true
  4. Save the file.

  5. Enter:

    # dpkg-reconfigure cue-web-3.10

    This reconfigures CUE with the changes you have made.

If JPEG file types can be handled by three different content types, picture, graphic and special, then users who drop a JPEG file into CUE will now be prompted to select which of the three content types CUE should use.

If you don't want all available content types to be offered as options, you can exclude some by including an ignoreContentTypes property in the configuration file:

  enabled: true
  ignoreContentTypes: ["special"]

ignoreContentTypes accepts an array of content type names, so you can exclude multiple content types from the user prompt if you wish. If you exclude all content types except one, then no prompt is displayed in CUE since the user no longer has a choice.