Cleaning up Pasted Content

Content copied from external sources such as web pages can contain a lot of unwanted and potentially dangerous markup. CUE therefore filters all content pasted into the rich text editor, removing everything except a small subset of HTML formats that are considered to be both useful and harmless. CUE's has two whitelists of allowed formats: a very restrictive one for print stories:

b i u sub sup p br ul ol li table thead tbody tfoot tr th td

and a slightly less restrictive one for online stories that includes headings, images and links:

h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 b i u sub sup p br a[href] a[target] a[rel] ul ol li img[src] img[alt] img[width] img[height] table thead tbody tfoot tr th td

The print whitelist is fixed, but you can override the online whitelist for a rich text fields by adding a ui:whitelisted-elements-onpaste element to the field definition in your publication's content-type resource. The ui:whitelisted-elements-onpaste element must be added as a child of the field element. If you want to change the whitelist of all the rich text fields in your publication then you must add a ui:whitelisted-elements-onpaste element to all the rich text field elements in your content-type resource.

Here is an example whitelist definition that is more restrictive than the default online whitelist:

  h1 h2 h3 b i p br a[href] a[target] a[rel] a[class=myclass]

For further information about the ui:whitelisted-elements-onpaste element, see here.