CUE Composer Integration for Storylines

It is possible to open a print story in CUE Composer directly from CUE. No configuration is required to make this integration available for rich text-based stories but for storyline stories, you need to explicitly enable it by including a cue:integration-target element in the storyline's content type definition. This element must contain the value cue-print.

The cue: namespace prefix must be declared (usually in the content-type resource's root element as follows:

<content-types xmlns=""

The cue:integration-target element must then be included in the content type definitions of all the storyline content types that you want to be able to open in CUE Composer. For example:

<content-type name="storyline">

If your installation includes multiple CUE Print instances (test, staging, production for example), they must all be configured with different system names. Otherwise this feature may open stories in the wrong instance of CUE Composer.

For storylines that are configured in this way, the following additional CUE Print-related features are available:

  • CUE Print-driven locking of storylines and story elements

  • CUE Print measurement data, including "write to fit" line counts

These features are described in the following sections. Both features require the addition of cue:cue-print elements to the story element types used in your storylines. A cue:cue-print element establishes a mapping between the story element type to which it belongs and the story element type's target CUE Print element tag:

    <cue:cue-print elementTag="Headline">

The above example indicates that the headline story element type is represented by the Headline element tag in CUE Print. Note that the cue: namespace prefix needs to be declared in the root element of any story element definition to which you add a cue:cue-print element (as highlighted in the example above).