Metadata Panel Sections

You can control which sections appear in the metadata panel on the right side of the CUE window (and the order in which they appear) by adding metadata-panel elements to your content type definitions in the Content Store content-store resource. For general information about the content-store resource and how to define CUE content types, see The content-type Resource.

Using the metadata-panel element, you can define what sections are to be displayed in the metadata panel for each content type in a publication, and the order in which they are to appear. The metadata-panel element belongs to a special CUE-specific namespace: Before you add any metadata-panel elements to your content-type resource, therefore, you should declare this namespace in the file's root element, and define a prefix for it (cue is recommended). For example:

<content-types xmlns=""

Once you have done this, you can control the metadata panel sections displayed for items of a particular content type by adding a cue:metadata-panel element as a child of its defining content-type element. For example:

<content-type name="story">

The content of the metadata-panel element must be a white space-separated list of metadata panel section names. Only the sections you specify in the list will be displayed for content items of this type, and they will be displayed in the order specified. Content types for which you do not specify a cue:metadata-panel element will get the default metadata panel sections, displayed in the default order.

The built-in sections must be specified using their CUE tag names, all of which start with the prefix "cue.". Most of the built in sections are omitted from the above example to keep it short. For a complete list of all the built-in metadata sections and their tag names, see Metadata Section Tag Names. The tag names of any metadata sections belonging to custom web components are defined in the web component configurations, as described in TextEditorMetadataPanel Configuration, for example.