Adding/Replacing Section Parameters

To add parameters to a section or change current settings:

  1. Create a text file containing the parameters you want to add/modify. Each parameter setting must be specified on a separate line and be specified in the form:

  2. Save the file under any name you choose (for example news.parameters)

  3. Submit the file to the appropriate web service URL using either POST or PUT. For example:

    curl -X POST http://server-name:port/escenic-admin/section-parameters-declared/publication/section-path \
    --upload-file news.parameters

    If you use POST then the contents of your file are merged with the section's existing parameters (that is, new parameters are added, existing parameters are overwritten with new values and any existing parameters not in the submitted file are left unchanged). If you use PUT then the contents of the submitted file completely replace all existing parameters.