
ReCaptcha is an on-line service that provides CAPTCHA challenge and verifies user responses. To use this service in one of your publications:

  1. Create an account at

  2. Add a new site to the account, specifying the domain name of the publication containing the pages you wish to protect. ReCaptcha will then generate a private and public key pair for the domain. You will need to use these keys in step 3 below.

  3. Add a file called com/escenic/captcha/ to your publication web application's WEB-INF/localconfig/ folder. The file must contain the following property settings:


    where your-private-key and your-public-key are the keys assigned to your publication domain by the ReCaptcha service in step 2.

  4. Add a file called com/escenic/captcha/ to your publication web application's WEB-INF/localconfig/ folder. The file must contain the following property setting:
