The Implementation Class

The following listing shows the content of example/, which does the actual injection. It is a very simple example but could easily be extended to inject more fields, or even automatically look up the fields in content items, and inject data into fields with names that match metadata field names.

Note that the class extends AbstractMetadataBase. This saves some work implementing the provider-specific details.

package example;

import neo.xredsys.api.ArticleTransaction;
import neo.xredsys.content.type.Field;

class CustomMetadataInjector extends AbstractMetadataBase implements ContentMetadataInjector {
  static final String CAPTION_FIELD_NAME = "CAPTION";

  CustomMetadataInjector(final DefaultMetadataInjectorSpi pProvider) {

  public void inject(ArticleTransaction pContent, Map<String, List<Object>> pMetadata) {
    Field defaultMetadataField = pContent.getArticleType().getField(CAPTION_FIELD_NAME);
    List<Object> captions = pMetadata.get("Caption/Abstract"); // Standard IPTC field
    if (defaultMetadataField != null && captions != null) {
      pContent.setFieldValue(METADATA_FIELD_NAME, toNLSV(captions));

  private static String toNLSV(final List<Object> pValues) {
    StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
    for (Object value : pValues) {
      if (buffer.length() > 0) {
        buffer.append("\n ");
  return buffer.toString();