Copy Solr Configuration

You now need to copy the following Solr configuration data:

  • The main Solr configuration file supplied with Solr itself

  • Solr core configuration files supplied with the Content Store

The configuration data should be copied into a folder under /etc/escenic and then linked to from the /var/lib/escenic/solr/ tree as described below.

For a single host installation:

  1. Log in as root and create a solr folder under /etc/escenic, then copy the solr.xml file supplied with Solr to /etc/escenic:

    # mkdir -p /etc/escenic/solr
    # cp /opt/solr-solr-version/server/solr/solr.xml /etc/escenic

    where solr-version is the version number of your Solr installation.

  2. Copy the configuration folder supplied with the Content Store:

    # cp -r engine-installation/solr/conf /etc/escenic/solr/solr-core

    where solr-core is the name of your Solr core (most likely editorial on a single host installation).

  3. Log in as escenic and create links to the copied file and folder as follows:

    $ cd /var/lib/escenic/
    $ ln -s /etc/escenic/solr.xml
    $ cd solr/solr-core
    $ ln -s /etc/escenic/solr/solr-core conf

For a multiple host installation you will need to repeat these steps on each host, and in this case, solr-core is likely to vary according to the type of engine host – either editorial or presentation. Before you start, copy the engine-installation/solr/conf folder from your assembly host to a temporary location (say /tmp/conf) on each engine host:

$ scp -r engine-installation/solr/conf engine-host:/tmp/

Then repeat the five steps listed above on each host, replacing step 2 with:

# mv /tmp/conf /etc/escenic/solr/solr-core

Note that the Solr configuration data supplied with the Content Store is intended for use on an editorial host and is not ideally suited to presentation hosts, so for production installations, it will need to be modified. For more about this, see Customizing the Index Schema..