Shell Commands

All shell command examples given in the manual are tested on Debian Linux servers: they may need minor modifications to be used on other Linux or UNIX platforms, and it is assumed that you are able to make the necessary "conversions" to your own platform. Some of the commands should be executed as the owner of the Content Store installation. This is signalled by use of the $ command prompt. For example:

$ ls

Other commands must be executed as root. This is signalled by the use of the # command prompt:

# /etc/init.d/slapd restart

Many of the code and command line examples in the manual contain placeholders: words printed in an italic typeface, which you are expected to replace with an appropriate value. For example:

$ cat filename

The accompanying text usually specifies what kind of value any placeholder(s) represent: filename in this case is the name of a file you want to see the contents of.