Initialize the Assembly Tool

On your assembly-host, while logged in as escenic:

  1. cd to the assemblytool_installation folder:

    $ cd assemblytool_installation
  2. Enter the following command:

    $ ant initialize

    This command creates the .properties files the assembly tool needs.

  3. Open for editing.

  4. Uncomment the engine.root setting near the top of the file, and set it as follows:

    engine.root = engine-installation
  5. If you want the escenic-admin web application to be password protected, uncomment the escenic-admin-authentication property, and set it to true:

    escenic-admin-authentication = true

    You are strongly recommended to set this property when installing a production system. If you do so, then you must also define the required administrator username and password in Tomcat. For details of how to do this, see Password Protect escenic-admin.