Accessing Inbox/List Change Logs

You can access a change log that contains all the changes made to an inbox or any content items in it from the inbox's feed. Similarly, you can access a change log that contains all the changes made to a list or any content items in it from the list's feed. Here is an inbox feed, with the change log link highlighted.

<feed xmlns="">
    <name>Escenic Content Engine</name>
  <link rel="self" href="http://host-ip-address/webservice/escenic/section/1/inboxes" type="application/atom+xml"/>
    <title type="text"/>
    <link href="http://host-ip-address/webservice/content/com.escenic.list-pool/2" rel="" type="application/xhtml+xml"/>
    <link rel="" href="http://host-ip-address/webservice/escenic/changelog/inbox/2" type="application/atom+xml"/>
    <link rel="edit-media" type="application/vnd.escenic.content+xml; type=com.escenic.inbox" href="http://host-ip-address/webservice/content/com.escenic.inbox/2" title=""/>