Create a Tag

A client program can create a tag as follows:

  1. Create an Atom entry that describes the new tag.

    <entry xmlns="">
      <title type="text">Arbeiderpartiet</title>
      <content type="application/vnd.vizrt.payload+xml">
          <vdf:field name="description">
            <vdf:value>Norwegian Labour Party</vdf:value>
          <vdf:field name="aliases">

    The entry must/may contain the following elements:

    id (optional)

    The tag's identifier, which must have the form:



    • scheme-uri is the scheme URI of the tag structure to which the tag is to be added.

    • term is a local ID for the tag. It must be unique within the tag structure, and may contain any characters that are valid in a URI except for escaped slashes (%2F), which are not allowed.

    If an id element is not supplied, then an auto-generated term (local ID) is assigned to the tag by the Content Store.


    The external, user-visible title of the tag.

    content (optional)

    A VDF payload document containing additional information about the tag. The VDF document may contain the following fields:

    description (optional)

    A description of the entity represented by the tag.

    aliases (optional)

    A list of zero or more aliases for the tag.

  2. Save the Atom entry as a file.

  3. POST the file either:

    • to a tag structure URL (if it is to be a top-level tag):

      curl -u user:password \
      > -X POST http://host-ip-address/webservice/escenic/classification/,2002 \
      > --header "Content-Type:application/atom+xml" \
      > --upload-file newTag.xml
    • or to the URL of the required parent tag:

      curl -u user:password \
      > -X POST http://host-ip-address/webservice/escenic/classification/tag/children/,2002:term-name \
      > --header "Content-Type:application/atom+xml" \
      > --upload-file newTag.xml