Simple Annotations

The simplest kind of annotation definition consists of just a name and some CSS defining how the annotation is to be rendered by CUE:

<annotation name="shock">
  <ui:style>{ color: red; }</ui:style>

If you added the above annotation to your paragraph story element type, then when editing paragraph elements in CUE, you would see that the formatting bar now included a new style button. Since your annotation definition doesn't include an icon, the button would be formed from the first two characters of the annotation name: sh in this case. You can, however, include a CSS icon definition as follows:

<annotation name="shock">
  <ui:style>{ color: red; }</ui:style>
      -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; 
      -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; 
      font-family: "Storylines"; 
      font-size: 90%; 
      content: "\E889"; 

CUE actually includes built-in icons for the commonly-used custom annotations supplied in the Content Store starter pack: inline_link, internal_link and note. So you don't need to define your own icons for these annotations (although you can override the default ones if you choose).