Customizing Relation Asset Picker Filters

You don't have to drag and drop a content item into a relation drop zone to create a relation in CUE, you can also do it by clicking on the drop zone's + button and then selecting the content item to add using the displayed asset picker dialog. The asset picker dialog is a standard CUE dialog for selecting content items, containing a search field and result list. The asset picker also has a filter button, that displays a pop-out filter panel containing various filters that you can use to narrow down the list of results.

By default all asset pickers have the same standard filter panel. You can, however, replace this standard filter panel with a custom set of filters. You might, for example, want to have different filters available when selecting pictures. You would then need to define a custom filter panel as described in Custom Search Filter Definitions, and use a ui:search-filter-name element to add it to your relation type definition:

  <relation-type name="pictures">
      <ref-content-type name="picture"/>