
Defines a CUE content type. A content type defines a particular type of content item. It defines:

  • The fields a content item is composed of.

  • The relation-types a content item may have.

  • How the content item is presented in Content Studio.

The fields in the content type are defined indirectly: a content-type element contains panel elements, which in turn contain field elements. This allows the fields to be grouped together in panels, which correspond to tabs in CUE content item editors.

  • This example defines a simple content type containing only one panel, a summary and a reference to a relation-type-group.

    <content-type name="news">
      <ui:description>A news story</ui:description>
      <panel name="main">
        <ui:label>Main Content</ui:label>
        <ui:description>The main content fields</ui:description>
        <ref-field-group name="title"/>
        <ref-field-group name="summary"/>
        <ref-field-group name="body"/>
      <ref-relation-type-group name="attachments"/>
        <ui:label>Content Summary</ui:label>
        <field name="title" type="basic" mime-type="text/plain"/>
        <field name="summary" type="basic" mime-type="text/plain"/>
  • This example defines a content type to be used for images. Note the use of a link field to store the image reference. Note also the use of ui:icon to select an icon for this type of content item in Content Studio.

    <content-type name="image">
      <ui:description>An image</ui:description>
      <panel name="main">
        <ui:label>Image content</ui:label>
        <field mime-type="text/plain" type="basic" name="name">
          <ui:description>The name of the image</ui:description>
        <field mime-type="text/plain" type="basic" name="description">
        <field mime-type="text/plain" type="basic" name="alttext">
          <ui:label>Alternative text</ui:label>
        <field name="binary" type="link">
      <panel name="crop">
        <ui:label>Cropped Versions</ui:label>
        <field mime-type="application/json" type="basic" name="representations">
          <ui:label>Image Versions</ui:label>
          <rep:representations type="image-versions">
            <rep:representation name="thumbnail">
              <rep:output width="100" height="100"/>
            <rep:representation name="narrow">
              <rep:output width="500" height="400"/>
            <rep:representation name="wide">
              <rep:output width="1000" height="800"/>
        <ui:label>Content Summary</ui:label>
        <field name="caption" type="basic" mime-type="text/plain"/>
        <field name="alttext" type="basic" mime-type="text/plain"/>

The name of the content-type element.