Add A Host Configuration Layer

If your CUE installation is spread across more than one host machine, then you will almost certainly need to set some properties differently on the different hosts. You can do this by creating a host configuration layer which is read after the common configuration layer. Any settings made in this layer will therefore override settings made in lower layers.

Obviously the contents of this layer need to be different for each host. The recommended method of doing this is to keep all your configuration layers (in fact the whole /etc/escenic tree) in a shared folder. If you have set up your system in this way, then you can create a set of host layers as follows:

  1. Create an /etc/escenic/engine/host/host-name folder for each host:

    $ mkdir -p /etc/escenic/engine/host/host-name
  2. Copy the files containing the properties you are interested in overriding from the skeleton configuration layer to the corresponding relative location in each host-name folder.

  3. Modify each of the copied .properties files as required.

This will work because the location of the host configuration layer is defined as follows in /opt/escenic/assemblytool/conf/layers/host/

fileSystemRoot=/etc/escenic/engine/host/${hostname env:HOSTNAME env:COMPUTERNAME "localhost"}/

If you are using a different location for your configuration layers, then you will need to modify this setting and redeploy (see Change The Location of a Layer).