List publications

This page lists all the publications currently served by the Content Store, and provides various publication management tools.

It contains the following links:

Select all

Selects all listed publications.

Deselect all

Deselects all listed publications.

Invert checkbox selection

Selects all currently unselected publications and deselects all currently selected publications.


Displays page containing useful information about one of the listed publications, and links for accessing it in various ways.

Run field indexer

Generates the indexes used by the article:list tag. For information about why and when you would want to use this option, see Generating Content Item Field Indexes.

Update resources

Updates the resources of all currently selected publications. For further information about this process, see Update Resources.


Deletes all currently selected publications. A new page is displayed on which the names of all the selected publications are listed. To complete the operation, click Confirm.