
This option displays the Content Store status page, which looks something like this:


This page displays the results of various sanity checks performed to determine the status of the Content Store and is a useful diagnostics tool, particularly during the initial installation and configuration phase. The test results are grouped into seven different categories (System Properties, Security settings, Classpath, Configuration Layers, Database and Network Parameters), displayed in a menu across the top of the screen.

The result of each of the tests displayed on these pages is indicated by one of the following icons:


The test was passed, no action needed.


The test was not passed but the failure is not critical. Click on the help link for information about the consequences of the failure and how to fix the problem (if necessary).


The test was not passed and the failure is critical (that is, the Content Store will not function properly until the problem is fixed). Click on the help link for information about the consequences of the failure and how to fix the problem.

For each test there is a help link on the right hand side of the window that displays information about the test: what the test does, what the consequences of failure are and advice on fixing failures.