Export Task Configuration Files

An export configuration file contains definitions of the following properties:


The name of this export configuration. This property is optional, but is useful for documentation and debugging purposes: it is included in log messages.


The object types to be exported. You can specify any combination of the following keywords, separated by commas:


Export all content items.


Export all sections.


Export all section pages, inboxes and lists.

Alternatively, you can specify *, which means export everything: this is the default.


Enables the export of section parameters when set to true. The default is false.


The sections (including all descendant sections) from which content may be exported, specified by section name. The section names must be separated by commas. The special value * means "all sections". You can use sectionsById instead of this property. If neither this property nor sectionsById is specified, then all sections are exported.


The sections from which content may be exported, specified by ID. The section IDs must be separated by commas. You can use sections instead of this property. If neither this property nor sections is specified, then all sections are exported.


Enables this export task when set to true. The default is false.


Not currently used.


When set to true, any content items that are referenced in an exported content item are also exported. When set to false, this is not done.


The absolute path of a folder on the server. If specified, the folder must contain XSL transformations to be applied to any exported sections or content items. The transformation to be applied to sections must be called section.xsl, and the transformation to be applied to content items must be called article.xsl.

If this property is not specified, then no transformation is applied, and exported sections/content items are output as CUE syndication files. If it is specified and the specified folder contains correctly named XSL transformations, then exported data is piped to these transformations, and the saved export files will contain the results of the transformations.


If set to true, then the XSL transformation in the templateDirectory (if specified) is cached. If set to false (the default), then it is not.


If disableEvents is set to false, then every time a section or content item is imported, it will also automatically be exported. You can prevent this happening by setting this property to false (the default). If you actually want imported sections/content items to be exported again, set it to true.


The folder (on the server) in which exported files are to be saved, specified as an absolute file URL (file:///tmp/escenic/export/pub1, for example). You can include system properties in the URL (file:///${java.io.tmpdir}/export/pub1, for example). The default if this property is not specified is file:///${java.io.tmpdir}.


The ExportWriter implementation that is used to carry out the export process. You can replace this default ExportWriter (which outputs CUE syndication format) with your own implementation if you need to be able to export to some other format. See Creating your own ExportWriter for for further information.


Enables the export of staged content items (that is, revised drafts of published content items) when set to true. The default is false.


The publication from which content may be exported, specified by ID.


When set to true, any binary files that are referenced in an exported content item are also exported.


When set to true, the output syndication file is output in as compact a form as possible, with no excess white space. When set to false, the output syndication file is "pretty-printed", giving a more legible but less compact result. The default is true.