
CUE Content Store is CCI / Escenic's new back end system: ultimately intended as a replacement for both the CCI Newsgate back end and the Escenic Content Engine. As such, it is the platform for a new generation of multi-channel publishing tools that handle both print and online publishing in a uniform way.

Users upgrading applications from the Escenic Content Engine need to be aware of the following:

  • CUE Content Store 1.0 fully supports all existing Escenic 6-compatible publications and application.

  • A number of Escenic 6 plug-ins are deprecated, and support for them will be dropped at some time in the future. These deprecated components are:

    Widget Framework
    cXense Semantic plug-in
    Geocode plug-in
    Lucy plug-in
    Notes plug-in
    Sitemap plug-in
    The Java Presentation API
    All JSP tag libraries
  • Escenic Content Studio is not supported by CUE Content Store; it is completely superseded by the CUE editor, which as well as providing a more modern and user-friendly editing environment, can also be used on mobile devices.

If you have existing Escenic 6 based publications, you can upgrade to CUE Content Store 1.0 and continue to use those publications as before. Without modification, however, the old publications will not be able to take advantage of CUE Content Store's new storyline structure and the developments planned for future versions of CUE.

In order to take advantage of new Content Store functionality the publications will need to be modified and you will need to re-implement your front-end applications to use CUE Front rather than the Java presentation API.

The purpose of this guide is to describe in outline the various tasks needed to convert a typical Widget Framework-based Escenic 6 publication into a native CUE Content Store publication that can take advantage of current and future Content Store functionality.

Documentation for most of the deprecated components listed above is not included in the CUE Content Store documentation set. If you need access to documentation of these components, use the Escenic 6 documentation instead. In the case of the Java API, documentation for the full API is available as before. Note, however, that use of the Java API is no longer recommended. You are in general recommended to use other methods of customization and only use the Java API where no alternative exists. Parts of the API (especially those related to presentation) are being considered for deprecation, and will in due course be marked as deprecated in the API documentation.