Old-style Installation

Installing SSE Proxy involves the following steps:

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Download the SSE Proxy distribution from the CCI Europe SW repository:

    # cd /tmp
    # wget https:///user:password@maven.escenic.com/com/escenic/sse-proxy/sse-proxy/1.0.5-3/sse-proxy-1.0.5-3.zip
  3. Create a folder for SSE Proxy under /opt/escenic:

    # mkdir /opt/escenic/
    # chown -R escenic:escenic /opt/escenic/
  4. Change user to escenic and unpack the SSE Proxy package as follows:

    # su - escenic
    $ cd /opt/escenic/
    $ unzip /tmp/sse-proxy-1.0.5-3.zip