Classic/Storyline Conversions

CUE Zipline can be used for converting "classic" rich text-based content items to storylines and vice-versa. Assume, for example, that you have a stream of imported content from an external source such as a wire feed, imported as "classic" rich text-based content items, but that you need to be able to open these as storylines in CUE in some circumstances. You can meet such a need by creating an enrichment service that submits the rich text content items to CUE Zipline, which then converts it and returns the resulting storyline. For more information about this use of CUE Zipline, see converters.

A very simple set of default templates that works with standard content types is included with the installation, in the /etc/cue/zipline/conversion-templates/classic folder. You can, however, create your own more sophisticated conversions. For further information see Conversion Templates.