Content Store to DC-X

All content changes that occur in the CUE Content Store result in the generation of SSE events, which are passed to the SSE Proxy. The SSE Proxy passes on these events to all of its subscribers, one of which is CUE Zipline. CUE Zipline filters these incoming events, ignoring all irrelevant events. If an event describes the addition of a classic story, storyline or binary asset (that is, a content item referencing a binary object such as an image, graphic, video, audio file, document, spreadsheet etc.) then CUE Zipline:

  • Sends a request for the new content item to the Content Store

  • Converts the content item to the format required by DC-X

  • POSTs the converted content item to the DC-X service

The purpose of synchronizing stories and storylines to DC-X is to take advantage of DC-X syndication functionality. Content should not in general be modified in DC-X as any changes made may be overwritten the next time the content item is modified in the Content Store, thereby triggering a synchronization event.