cue-print Processor

A cue-print processor converts the content items referenced by the events it receives to CUE Print texts or assets and uploads them to CUE Print. A cue-print processor definition consists of the following entries:

  - type: cue-print

type must be set to cue-print. The other entries are:

system-id (optional)

May optionally be used to identify the source system when attaching multiple CUE systems to a single CUE Print system.

The expected value is a string, used by CUE Print to identify the CUE system to send content back to.

If the value isn't configured here, it is read from the ZL_CUE_PRINT_EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_ID environment variable. If the environment variable isn't set either, then no external system ID is reported to CUE Print.

product-mapping (required)

See product-mapping.

desk-mapping (required)

See desk-mapping.