CUE Print to Content Store

In the standard CUE workflow, CUE Content Store is the primary database; the CUE Print server plays a secondary role. In principle, all content editing is done in CUE, including editing of storyline print variants. CUE Print is then mostly used for layout-related adjustments that have no effect on the content. There is therefore no need for SSE-based automated synchronization from CUE Print to the Content Store.

In reality, however, content changes are sometimes made in CUE Print (typically last-minute changes) and there is therefore a need to be able to copy changes back to the Content Store (on demand rather than automatically).

For print packages containing texts that originated in the Content Store, CUE Print offers a Copy to CUE menu option. Selecting this option causes CUE Print to send an HTTP POST request to CUE Zipline containing the current text. CUE Zipline converts the supplied text to the required format and POSTs the result to the Content Store, thus synchronizing the print variant in the Content Store with the CUE Print package.

Default templates that work with standard content types are included with the installation, in the /etc/cue/zipline/conversion-templates/cue-print/cue-print-to-storyline folder. You may need to modify these templates to work with your content types. For further information see Conversion Templates.