
filter is used to filter the stream of incoming events from the SSE Proxy. It contains an array of filters that are used to select the events that CUE Zipline will submit for processing: all other events are ignored.

  - publication
    - tomorrow-online
    - tomorrow-today
    - living-tomorrow
  - type:
    - storyline
    - print
    - print-story
  - story_type:
    - storyline
  - state
    - published
    - approved
  - created-within:
      weeks: 4

The filter array may contain any of the following filter types:


Contains an array of publication names. Only events affecting one of the listed publications are selected.


Contains an array of content type names. Only events affecting one of the listed content types are selected.


Contains an array of story types (storyline or classic). Only events affecting one of the listed story types are selected.


Contains an array of workflow state names. Only events affecting content items in one of the listed states are selected.


Only events affecting content items created within the specified period are selected. You can specify the required period in weeks, days, hours, minutes or seconds.

Only events which satisfy all of the filter conditions listed in the filter array are selected. You can, however, control exactly how the filter conditions are combined by making use of two additional filters:


Contains an array of sub-filters. Only events selected by all the sub-filters are selected. In the following example, an event will only be selected if it affects a content item of the type storyline that is in the state published.

- all:
  - type:
    - storyline
  - state:
    - published

Contains an array of sub-filters. Any event selected by at least one of the sub-filters is selected. In the following example an event will be selected if it affects a content item that is either of the type archive or was created within the last 24 hours.

- any:
  - created-within:
    hours: 24
  - type:
    - archive