
CUE Zipline is a format conversion tool that is primarily intended to provide real-time synchronization of content between CUE Content Store and other Stibo DX systems. Currently, CUE Zipline can provide:

  • Automatic synchronization of storyline content (not classic rich text stories) from CUE Content Store to CUE Print

  • Automatic synchronization of binary assets and /or stories from CUE Content Store to DC-X

  • On-demand synchronization of storyline content from CUE Print back to CUE Content Store

CUE Zipline is implemented as a web service that is capable of retrieving/receiving content from CUE Content Store, CUE Print, converting it to the required output format and sending it to the required destination service (CUE Content Store, CUE Print or DC-X).

CUE Zipline monitors activity in CUE Content Store by listening for server-sent events (SSE). When it receives an SSE notification of a significant content change, it:

  • Sends a request for the new or modified content to the Content Store

  • Performs any data transformation that is required

  • POSTs the transformed content to the required target service (CUE Print or DC-X)

Changes made in CUE Print are not automatically copied back to the Content Store. It is only possible to copy back changes made in print packages containing text that originated in the Content Store, and such changes are only copied back if the user explicitly requests it by selecting the Copy to CUE option. When this happens CUE Print sends the changed content directly to CUE Zipline in a POST request. CUE Zipline then:

  • Performs the required format conversion

  • POSTs the converted content to the Content Store

CUE Zipline can, however, also be used for other conversion tasks:

  • Automated export of storyline content to NewsML-G2 files

  • Automated import of storyline content from NewsML files

  • Converting print storylines into CUE Print texts for the purpose of generating print previews.

  • Converting rich text-based "classic" content items into storyline content items.

All SSE events in a CUE system are routed through an SSE Proxy, so in order to monitor CUE Content Store, CUE Zipline is connected as a client to the SSE Proxy.

The most important conversions performed by CUE Zipline are described in more detail in the following sections. All the text format conversions are carried out using Jinja2 templates.