newsml-import Processor

The NewsML import processor is different from all the other processors in that it imports data into the Content Store rather than exporting it, and is therefore not driven by Content Store events. Instead, the NewsML import processor monitors specified import folders and imports any NewsML-G2 files that appear in them.

  - type: newsml-import
      publication: tomorrow-online
      section: ece_incoming
        images: picture
        stories: story
    - path: /var/spool/newsml/import
      - *.xml
      - *.ml
    download_dir: /tmp/cue/zipline/newsml

type must be set to newsml-import. The other entries are:

target (required)

Contains two properties specifying the publication name and section unique name to be used to identify the home section of created content:

publication (required)

The name of the publication to import into.

section (required)

The unique name of the section, in the targeted publication, to use as home section of the imported content.

content-types (required)

Contains two properties specifying the content types to be used for importing content to the target publication:

images (required)

The name of the content type to be used for importing images.

stories (required)

The name of the content type to be used for text content. Only storyline content types are supported, not classic rich text-based content types.

watch_dirs (required)

An array, each element of which specifies a folder in which to look for NewsML files to import. Each element may contain the following properties:

path (required)

The absolute path of a folder in which to look for NewsML files.

files (optional, default: *.xml)

An array of file name patterns to use when looking for files to import.

download_dir (optional, default: /tmp/cue/zipline/newsml)

The absolute path of a folder to be used by CUE Zipline to hold temporary files downloaded from the Content Store during the import process.