
zl-catch provides a convenient way of recording catch files for analyzing communication between CUE Print and CUE Zipline, from the CUE Zipline host. When you enable/disable recording with zl-catch, zl-catch restarts the CUE Print session for you with the requested catch file setting.

The syntax of the zl-catch command is:

zl-catch [-h] [-f configuration-file-path] [{status,enable,disable,save}]

Displays help

-f configuration-file-path

The path of the CUE Zipline configuration file. zl-catch needs access to the configuration file in order to retrieve the URL of the CUE Print endpoint. If the CUE Zipline configuration file is stored in a standard location then this option is not required.


Displays the current status of catch file recording for CUE Zipline. This is the default action.


Starts a new CUE Print session with catch recording enabled. If recording was already enabled, a new session is still started and any activity that was already recorded is discarded.


Starts a new CUE Print session with catch recording disabled.


Instructs CUE Print to save a catch file containing any activity recorded since the last session restart. The name of the file is written to the console. It is also written to the CUE Zipline log file as an INFO level message. The catch file is of course saved on the CUE Print host, not the CUE Zipline host.