Drop Resolver Parameters

When CUE triggers a drop resolver, it passes an object to the resolver containing the following parameters:


The URI of the dropped object.


CUE's configured endpoints (one or more of Content Store, CCI Newsgate and the bridge).


Any parameters supplied in the attributes object of the drop resolver configuration (see Configuring Drop Resolvers in CUE).


Access tokens that can be used to authenticate any requests the drop resolver sends to CUE's endpoints. These access tokens will only be passed to the drop resolver if it:


The context of the drop operation. For an CUE publication, this consists of the following structure:

  name: publication-name
  uri: publication-uri


  • publication-name is the name of the CUE publication in which the drop operation occurred.

  • publication-uri is the URI of the CUE publication in which the drop operation occurred.

For a Newsgate publication, the context is:

storyId: story-folder-id

where story-folder-id is the ID of the story folder in which the drop operation occurred.