Drop Resolver Return Values

A drop resolver must return one of the following HTTP responses on termination:

HTTP 200 (OK)

The drop resolver has terminated successfully. The body of the HTTP response must contain the URI of a resource in the Content Store or CCI Newsgate back end (usually this will be an imported version of the object that was dropped by the user). CUE will then complete the drop operation using the supplied URI.

HTTP 204 (No Content)

The drop resolver has terminated successfully, but does not have a URI to return. CUE will then:

  • If the dropped object was external, abandon the drop operation.

  • If the dropped object was an CUE content item, complete the drop operation with the original content item.

HTTP 4xx or 5xx

An error of some kind has occurred. The body of the HTTP response must contain an error message text. CUE will then abandon the drop operation and display the supplied error message in a dialog box.