Configuring a Metrics Panel

A metrics section is only included in a content item's metadata panel if it is configured to do so in the content item's type definition:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<content-type name="story">

For general information about defining metadata panel sections, see Metadata Panel Sections.

To define the summary counts displayed in the Metrics panel, you need to add a storylineMetrics entry like this to one of your CUE configuration files:

  - identifier: "headlines"
    label: "Headline"
  - identifier: "body"
    label: "Body"
  - identifier: "total"
    label: "Total"  

You can define as many summary counts as you like in this way, and they will all be displayed in the Metrics panel using the specified labels. The identifiers are the summary names that must be referenced in the ui:count element's for attribute. In general, the order of the summary counts on the Metrics panel is determined by the order in which story elements appear in the storyline. A summary count with the identifier total, however, is always displayed last.