Configure the ece Script

To configure the ece shell script:

On your assembly-host, while logged in as root:

  1. Create an empty file in the /etc/escenic/ folder called ece-engine1.conf:

    # touch /etc/escenic/ece-engine1.conf
  2. Open /etc/escenic/ece-engine1.conf, and copy into it the parameter settings listed below from /etc/escenic/ece.conf. Edit the copied parameter settings. If you have followed all the instructions in this guide exactly, then the following settings should work:


    Make sure that this is set to the path of the Java virtual machine included in the JDK you installed (see Install Java SE Development Kit (JDK)).


    Set this to engine-installation.


    Set this to the host name or IP address.


    Set this to /etc/escenic/engine/common/security.


    Currently, the only valid setting for this is tomcat.


    Set this to /opt/tomcat-engine1.


    Set this to assemblytool_installation.

  3. Create the standard installation directory structure. Enter the following commands:

    # mkdir -p /var/{crash,lib,log,run,cache,spool}/escenic
    # chown escenic:escenic /var/{crash,lib,log,run,cache,spool}/escenic -R

    These commands will create the following folders and assign them to the escenic user:


    If, for any reason, you do not want to install Content Store files in standard locations and you have modified any of the following settings in the ece.conf file:


    then you must make sure that all the referenced folders exist and that the escenic user has write permission to them. You are strongly advised, however, not to do so. All instructions in this manual and the Server Administration Guide assume files are installed in standard locations.